Step 1 - Assess risks
In cooperation with the employees, identify the risks in the workplace and implement preventive measures
In cooperation with the employees, identify the risks in the workplace and implement preventive measures
In cooperation with the employees and the safety representative (“verneombud”, VO), the employer must identify all the risk factors in the workplace and make a plan for preventive measures as well as a plan for implementing these measures.
This also applies to the risk of sexual harassment. The identification and risk assessment must be conducted in cooperation with the safety representative (VO) or employees’ representatives. The employer may also request assistance from the occupational health service (BHT) or others with expertise in this field.
Three simple questions form the core of the risk assessment:
The risk of sexual harassment affects people differently. The employer should therefore, in cooperation with the employees, consider measures that protect those who are in greatest need of protection.
Factors that increase the risk of sexual harassment, working situations that are particularly hazardous and employees who are most vulnerable:
Link to the quidance of risk identification and action plan (Norwegian)
Examples of risk identification/assessment and proposed measures for the hotel and catering sector
- to prevent and deal with sexual harassment
(Courses are in Norwegian)
Webinar in collaboration with the Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority
A young IT consultant is summoned by a female colleague to provide IT support. While he is examining her PC, she begins massaging him. He backs away and laughs it off.
What would you have done?
You are going to supervise a new student (a trainee). Before she arrives, some employees check out her pictures on Facebook and comment on how good-looking she is. Their remarks become gradually more detailed. This continues during the whole of her trainee period, but no-one says anything about it to her
What would you have done?
Lars is training a new colleague. He has made good contact with her and becomes romantically attracted to her. He gives her compliments and invites her out for a beer. She declines, but this only makes him more keen, and he won’t take no for an answer.
What would you have done?
After an enjoyable Friday beer, Hanne receives a snap of a colleague’s genitals.
What would you have done?
Two colleagues are sitting chatting in the bar in the evening at a work seminar. The senior of the two is clearly flirting, and invites his younger colleague to his room, to which she declines with a smile. A moment later, she feels his hand on her bottom.
What would you have done?
A room attendant is delivering an extra pillow to a hotel room. When she opens the door, a man is sitting naked on the bed, and makes no attempt to cover himself.
What would you have done?
You work at a call centre and, when you give your full name, some customers check out your Facebook profile during the conversation and comment on your appearance.
What would you have done?
A plumber calls at the house of a female customer and notices that she is skimpily dressed. While he is working, she suddenly kisses him on the neck.
What would you have done?
A female worker goes to find something in a storage room on a construction site. When she enters the room, she sees a man from another firm standing talking on the telephone. As she passes him, she hears him say: Ooh, here comes a lovely lady, but she’s carrying a knife so I won’t try anything.
What would you have done?
There are nude pictures on the wall at work.
What would you have done?
The manager says to his young employee, “You are lovely, but too young for me.”
What would you have done?